Sunday, October 26, 2008

Flying weights

I came up with this brilliant idea that if I put wrist weights to my arms while playing the Wii I could rationalize playing Wii was not such a bad thing. I would be getting exercise while playing video games. This worked out well for the first 4 months or so that I have owned the Wii. Today my Herculean strength was greater than the binding on the weights and they went flying across the room. That was quite exciting. If you can imagine throwing a weight across the room at full force you can imagine the noise and can make as it impacts all your electronics. It was a good idea; the execution has some room for improvement, meaning stronger bindings.  

So I took them off after than and well my timing was all off, I could swing the joystick way too fast. I need to retrain myself on the timing on the games now.  

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