Thursday, October 23, 2008


Tis the season to be campaigning for elected office. This is not the story of a run for position of money and glamour. It is one with a big flashing “sucker” sign that comes with it. I got a call today asking if I would run for a seat on the board of the HOA today. Well I could be like everyone else and take the easy route, letting someone else do it. The question then is if no one does it, then what happens? I told the recruiter I might not even be at the January annual meeting for the election because I may be out of the country. That didn’t seem to phase her, she figured I would win by a landslide even without attending because the current board was behind me and there really is no competition. Since the meetings general meetings usually have less than 10 people attending and 5 votes from the incumbent board would put me into the majority with one more vote. I figured what the heck the HOA is in good shape financial shape so it should be a much easier job since there is money to spend. By February you may be reading from an executive. Well yes it is a HOA but the word “executive” does sound a lot better than the word “sucker”.  

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