Monday, May 25, 2009

The Thunderclaps of Little Feet

Spring is the season so be cranking out little ones and everyone seems to adore the thought of having the pitter-patter of little feet running around. Living by myself for the past 10 years with only adult visitors in my home has made me forget how very loud children can be. I had 4 kids visit ages 5-9 with the adult chaperones shows up at my house for a pizza dinner in preparation for baseball game. I loaded up my Disney music for the kids and cranked up speakers very loud so that it could be heard throughout the house. When the kids arrive, they easily drowned out the music so that we could not hear it, one occasion a kid said it was the phone ringing and I knew the phone not the phone because none of them were lit up. The kid did not realize that they were just a moment of slightly less noise and she could actually hear the Disney music in that brief moment which she had mistaken for a phone. The kids were quite entertaining for the evening as most novelties are. I just wonder how many days of deafening noise I could get use to.

I was at a professional baseball game and watched as 12 guys came out onto the field to rake the dirt. I looked in awe as wondered why they needed 12 guys when they could have done it with 9 easily just as quickly because 3 of them were just duplicating work. My mind started wandering and wondered what the future of career advancement there for a professional dirt raker. What would you tell a lady in a bar that you did for a living? We brainstormed and for a bit to see how well we could spin it. We settled for Landscape Sculptor, MLB. We thought that was almost good enough to print business cards with MLB credentials.

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