Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jumping to another box

Being Asian I have the gift of a youthful appearance. Taking care of myself by keeping my weight down, staying out of the sun, and avoiding drugs etc helps me maintain this gift. Even though I have been out of college for 10 years not I still can pass a college kid as long as I do not talk too much. It is summer time, so the dance studio where I swing dance has doubled in population by the college kids on summer break. The students are fun to dance with and also to look at. I have a birthday coming up and realized that in a couple years I will be twice the age of a college freshman. There is a bar where some of the more experienced dancers go. Some people do not understand when I say experienced I am saying older people in a nice way, so I will spell it out O-L-D. I am starting to think that I have more in common with these more experienced people than an 18-year-old right out of high school. As a HR colleague of mine said I have jumped up box (from the 20 something box to the 30-35 etc box).

Did you know that broccoli is quite bitter? I have been eating it for 30 years and never realized that because it is usually in one of my dishes. We were doing a special shelf-life test (eating old product) and had broccoli as one of the items.