Thursday, July 9, 2009

Healing/Humor/Mental Institute/Free Beer/Nagging/Premium Texts

For the first two months after the eyeball extraction I continued to have high sensitivity to light and maintained my divine vision at night. It concerned me because someone told me his experience even 8 months after his surgery is that he is still seeing halos. My optometrist was concerned because he thought that I might be regressing. My eyes still showed damage from the surgery. It was however hard to argue that with the results from the eye chart test showing that vision in both eyes were 20/20. In this past month (month 3) I have noticed that I am not as sensitive to light and the halos are better. In the visit to the optometrist the results the consistent with my observations, the damage finally seems to be healing.

I walked into the middle of a conversation where an older guy (late 40’s) was saying to another colleague that he had been a member since 1983.
With my usual smirk I asked “A member of AARP?
The room got a good laugh out of that.
He responded “If you keep talking you won’t make it.”

The mental institute:
I have been dating a young lady for 3 months now and after meeting me she has ended up at the mental institution. She gets locked up with psychotics, homicidal and suicidal people. She ended up there the day after our first date. I bet you never knew I powerful an influence on people? Since she is not too dangerous they do let her out though.

She came to my house and I told her I wanted to make sure she treated it like her home. The next time she came by I asked if she remember that I told her that I wanted her to act like it as it were her home. She replied “Yes.”
I said “You clean your home every week right? So you’re welcome to clean here, just to make yourself comfortable.”
She laughed and has yet to clean anything beyond helping to clean up after a meal. Well it was worth a try anyway, and I got her to laugh too.

Free beer!
I went on two canoe trips this past month. On the river were kayaks, canoes and rafts. One of the rafts with about 8 people on it had run out of beer. So they hailed a kayak. Two of the women yelled to a raft “Boobs for beer?” The guys on the canoe accepted and threw 3 beers over to the two women that raise their bikini tops. That is even better than Mardi Gras, we don’t even have to fight the crowds to have people showing off breasts.

I was reading You just Don’t Understand by Deborah Tannen. In it she explains the psychology of nagging. I had never put together that nagging is an attribute that only females are accused of and that she says it is because these females think that people would actually want to do what she want if they could only hear her. She also says that men do not like to be told what to do, especially by women. So it is a vicious cycle where he hears her just fine and does not like to be do it on her terms. She thinks he would love to make her happy if he could only hear her. I think the book was appropriately titled, I just don’t understand why someone would want to repeat herself constantly. Why would you put up with that?

Premium Text Messages:
My phone bill is usually $25 plus another $4 in taxes and outer unfathomable charges. This past month I got a $62 bill and found out that I got 3 “premium text messages” at about $10 a piece. I’m going holy cow that some pretty serious information that comes across at less than 160 characters. The phone company can put a “premium text message” block on your phone. You may want to look into it before getting a $10 text message.